Non-Flower, led by Carlos F Carrillo Jr. 2019.

Curated by Andy Campbell, shown at Tiger Strikes Asterroid, Los Angeles, CA

Monte Vista

"Non-Flower" is a sculptural installation that explores the boundaries between light, technology, and the natural world. The work comprises a series of electrical lightboxes hung randomly on the wall and placed on the floor, with the frosted glass panels loosely painted to resemble botanical outlines. Sculptural growth made of wires, beads and trimmer line is placed on the surface of the lightboxes, further blurring the line between the artificial and the organic. Dripping electrical cables and plastic trimmer line connect the boxes, adding a sense of precariousness and fragility to the piece.

The intention with "Non-Flower" is to challenge the viewer's assumptions about what constitutes "flower" or "sculpture." By juxtaposing the technological elements of the lightboxes with the organic, floral-inspired forms, the work encourages the audience to examine the interplay between the rigid, geometric structure of the lightboxes and the more fluid, sculptural elements. The work encourages a deeper engagement with the complexities of contemporary experience.